About myself

Hi there! I am currently an assistant professor in Key Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDL), National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), China.

I joined the Trustie & OSSEAN Group at August 2013, advised by Prof. Huaimin Wang. I received my Ph.D in Software Engineering from NUDT in 2019.

My main research interest is empirical software engineering, spanning from mining software repositories and social networks, to Docker and CI/CD workflows.

I like movie, music, and photography.


  • 08/23: Our work: How do Developers Talk about GitHub Actions? Evidence from Online Software Development Community accepted by ICSE24 Technical track.

  • 11/22: I was selected for the 2022 CCF Young Talent Development Program (6 people; I am the only one in the field of Software Engineering).

  • 07/22: Yiwen’s work: Understanding and Predicting Docker Build Duration: An Empirical Study of Containerized Workflow of OSS Projects accepted by ASE22 Technical track.

  • 03/22: Our SANER paper receives the IEEE Computer Society TCSE Distinguished Paper Award.